Lebanon, a nation of green mountains and deep agricultural roots, now faces yet another pivotal moment. The war, which many hope is over despite the daily presence of IDF drones,…
From Struggle to Strength: Lebanon’s Agro-entrepreneurs in Uncertain Times
The war on Lebanon, while selective and impacting some sectors less than others, has left no sector untouched. Niche businesses in the real economy — those small, specialized enterprises that…
The new social enterprises in Lebanon’s entrepreneurial landscape Lebanese industries have not been able to take part in the post-COVID-19 global recovery and accelerated reopening; already severely crippled by limited…
Of the specialized economic activities that the 10 members of the steering committee for the project on private sector employment creation and productivity – organized by Executive Magazine in partnership…
AgricultureEconomics & PolicyWater
Impacts of the Greater Beirut Water Supply Project
by Dima Rachidby Dima RachidThe planned Bisri Dam and reservoir is but one component of the World Bank-funded Greater Beirut Water Supply Project (GBWSP) that claims it will increase short-term supply of potable water…
AgricultureCoronavirus CloseupHospitality & TourismQ&A
Q&A with Kamal Mouzwak on the impact of COVID-19 on Tawlet and Souk El Tayeb
After being closed down starting March 11 for almost eight weeks, due to measures taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lebanon’s restaurants were allowed to re-open on May 4…
As Lebanon weathers through an economic crisis and COVID-19 outbreak, food insecurity has become a major concern across media headlines and in society. More stories are surfacing on how many…
AgricultureCoronavirus AnalysisFood securitySpecial Report
Growing trend of individual or community planting in Lebanon
As prices of both imported and locally produced food items continue to increase and Lebanon’s food security is potentially threatened (see articles on agro-industry and food security), the old Lebanese…
Agricultureagro-industryCoronavirus AnalysisOpinionSpecial Report
Lebanon needs to lower its import dependency
My grandfather died in 2016 at the age of 103. He survived two world wars, the Great Famine of Mount Lebanon (1916 – 1918), and the Lebanese Civil War. A…
Agricultureagro-industryCoronavirus AnalysisSpecial Report
Lebanese agro-industrialists discuss challenges and opportunities in times of crisis
Gibran Khalil Gibran’s poem Pity the Nation, published in 1933, could almost have been written about lockdown in modern day Lebanon. Most prophetic is the line “pity the nation that…
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