By the strange virtue of its unresolved economic and financial crisis of now four year duration, Lebanon has become an examination room and nation-scale laboratory for analyzing an economic and…
“You can take it to the bank,” is an idiomatic expression commonly uttered by someone – usually a politician or manly man with business power – to express a very…
ICT infrastructureOverviewSpecial Report
We can rebuild it, we have the brains – but for how long?
by Nabil Makariby Nabil MakariAccording to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF) project report, related to the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector in Lebanon, around 500…
BankingBeirut Port explosionBusinessBusinessCultureFinanceOverview
Pivotal events of 2020
by Nabil Makariby Nabil MakariDECEMBER 19Parliamentary consultations take place. Mr. Hassan Diab is nominated to form a government, backed by the Amal movement, Hezbollah, the Free Patriotic Movement, the Marada and others. DECEMBER 20-31Heavy…
Where does one even begin? From the inability to withdraw deposits, to the depreciation of the Lebanese currency, and the default on the Lebanese Sovereign Debt (held in big part…
The current state of the energy sector in Lebanon is worrying. Daily power cuts coupled with Electricite du Liban (EDL)’s chronic budget deficit, which has contributed to more than half…
AnalysisBeirut Port explosionOverviewTrade
Vivisection of a trade heart
by Nabil Makariby Nabil MakariThe short story of Lebanon’s vital trade of 2020 has three chapters but no resolution at the end. The tragic and dramatic lead character of the story is the Beirut…
From the perspective of consumer markets in Lebanon today, there are two classes of people: 1, those who can no longer carry out basic transactions in a consumer economy, and…
Beirut Port explosionOverviewOverview
Reversing the Trend of Emotional Lows: The Case of the Beirut Explosion
“The impact of a traumatic event of this intensity and scale goes well beyond what the eye can see. It is therefore important to acknowledge that victims of this traumatic…
Two months after a blundering collage of new budgetary revenue measures drove people into a unified and spontaneous civil uprising, the state of Lebanon remains an unresolved mess. Six weeks…
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