One would have expected insurance companies to jump for joy when the parliament passed the 2012 Traffic Law, extending the current third party liability (TPL) for bodily injury to also…
Insurance 2014
Elie Nasnas is the general manager of AXA Middle East, a Beirut-based insurer affiliated with the leading global insurance brand, AXA. He is also the newest member of the invitation-only…
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has witnessed notable changes in the past few years. Beginning in 2008, the global financial crisis, followed by social and political instability,…
With the recent slew of bombings further entangling Lebanon in the Syrian civil war, political violence insurance in the country is becoming increasingly sought after, as hotels, banks and malls…
The Lebanese insurance market is achieving steady economic performance with incremental business innovations, all the while making very small steps in addressing long-standing issues and concerns. Despite the difficult macroeconomic…
BusinessInsurance 2014
Political violence insurance – avoiding the boom then bust
by Livia Murrayby Livia MurrayThe Middle East is the most terrorist-afflicted region in the world, according to leading global insurance and reinsurance firm Aon’s 2014 Terrorism and Political Violence Map, with 28 percent of…