There is no denying that Lebanon’s territorial sovereignty has especially in recent months been heavily violated. Not a dozen or a hundred times, mind you; it has been transgressed against…
Banking everywhere is being confronted with deep societal paradigm shifts and digital transformation challenges. Demands for better governance and heightened societal and environmental accountability are being leveled by civil societies,…
Food EntrepreneurshipFood EntrepreneurshipOverviewSpecial Report
Building food security entrepreneurially
An entrepreneurship ecosystem captures the essence of entrepreneurial energy in a cycle of economic life. For these energies to become manifest and productive, ecosystems need a constant supply of fresh…
It is bewildering to watch international humanitarian organizations donate food packages to Lebanon – the Middle East’s most fertile lands. One can only wonder: What prohibits the Lebanese from investing…
The Rassemblement de Dirigeants et Chefs d’entreprises Libanais (RDCL) is one of several assemblies for corporate leaders of Lebanon. On June 30, 2021 the RDCL elected a new board, led…
Workforce Lebanon is a recent initiative that one can see having been spliced from DNA strands of entrepreneurship, education/upskilling, and job matching. Executive conversed with Nadim Zaazaa, managing partner of…
Education is the public good that, economically spoken, has the largest implications for development of human capital and wealth. At the same time, the public good of education is rooted…
The convergence of developmental strands – say the convergence of technology, business, medicine, and culture – is a tide that waits for no woman in Lebanon. The simple logic that…
Once upon a nascent ecosystem, the entrepreneurial minds in Lebanon were many but funders were few and support systems, such as incubators and accelerators, as rare as an honest politician.…
Amina, Rachelle, and Peter are young urban professionals active in graphic design, in digital marketing, and in remote consulting. When Executive makes their acquaintance, they have stationed themselves at a…