In an alarming report published early July, the World Food Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations warned of the catastrophic state of the Syrian agricultural…
The Syrian government announced in June the imposition of new restrictions on private sector imports, a move that reflects the authorities’ growing nervousness as all economic and financial indicators are…
Syria’s ongoing destruction has impacted the Lebanese economy in various ways, but its eventual reconstruction could bring rich opportunities to its smaller neighbor. The first two years of the Syrian…
At any given time, Beirut’s skyline is a kaleidoscope of chaos. While the economy may be struggling, in the city center luxury developments rise up with mesmeric frequency. In a…
The evolution of Hezbollah’s public discourse on its emerging role in Syria over the past year illustrates the organization’s deft ability to shape a narrative acceptable to its core Shia…
Economic and Policy Syria’s oil production has crashed to 20,000 barrels per day, or 5 percent of its prewar output, Oil Minister Sleiman Abbas said. More from AFP Egypt is…
Despite the government’s official policy, Lebanon has never been truly dissociated from the Syria conflict. However, until late the involvement of Lebanon’s divergent factions across the border has been covert,…
“Late March a Syrian mother of eight stood at my door, asking for help, but I had nothing left to give,” said Elian Nasrallah, a priest in charge of coordinating…
Economics and Policy Bank Audi has sounded the alarm over a substantial rise in Lebanon’s public debt and budget deficit at the beginning of the year, warning against policies that…
On April 22, the European Union lifted its embargo on Syria’s oil exports to enable the purchase of crude oil from the opposition. The diplomatic move also permitted the sale…