According to several international studies published by the World Health Organization and Bloomberg, Lebanon’s healthcare was ranked in the top tier class among healthcare systems in the world in both…
Roula Gharios Zahar

Roula Gharios Zahar
oula Gharios Zahar is the co-founder and Deputy General Director of Mount Lebanon Hospital in Hazmieh, Lebanon, where she has managed strategic planning, financial and resources management, and the implementation of the Hospital Information System since 1997. Active in the quality field since 2002, she has contributed to improving the accreditation process for Lebanese hospitals as a board member of the Syndicate of Private Hospitals. Zahar holds degrees in economics, hospital management, and mediation, and is a Fellow of the International Society for Quality in Healthcare (FISQua), selected for its Emerging Leaders Program. She was elected to the board of RDCL in 2021 and became President of the Lebanese Society for Quality and Safety in Healthcare (LSQSH) in 2022.