A modest two-story residential apartment building in the city of Saida houses a Lebanese publisher far more optimistic than others in the industry these days; that the company is also…
Youssef Zbib
Youssef Zbib
Youssef Zbib works for Transterra Media, which is based in Beirut
Lebanese abroad are often heard to say that they would return home if only they could find a job that satisfied their professional aspirations. Matching to two can be hard,…
“Everything foreign ranks first,” is an old Lebanese proverb that seems befitting of the salary scales on offer in the country. In any conversation with a recruitment agent, human resources…
After each global economic downturn or financial crisis, the Lebanese engage in a time-honored head count to see who has lost his or her place in their host country and…
The talk of labor nationalization in the Gulf Cooperation Council — ‘Saudization’, ‘Emiratization’, ‘Qatarization’, etcetera — has dominated national policies and development plans for the past 20 years. Qatar’s national…
The nationalization of the private sector is at the center of the Gulf Cooperation Council governments’ employment policies. Executive asked Zafiris Tzannatos, advisor for the Arab states at the International Labour…
When you walk into Al Haidari sweet shop in Khaldeh, 20 kilometers south of Beirut, employees will greet you with a smile and free baklawa, but the forced cheer belies…