Home Editorial When Winds Change…

When Winds Change…

by Yasser Akkaoui

The year 2025 is off to the most promising start. At long last we got the leaders that we have always wished for. Their declarations are coherent, their statements clear and frank about Lebanon’s sovereign rights and the critical imperatives of sovereignty, from the inviolable rule of law to the state monopoly on the legal use of force. And in accordance with their words, I fully expect our new President and Prime Minister (as of yet designate) to understand and support the crucial role of the private sector and the freedom of the press.

As a committed optimist on Lebanon, I wish that our country is finally, albeit after four ambiguous presidential terms and many political vacuums desperately, welcoming democratic leaders who will be moral and convincing throughout and who will carry the torch of our sovereignty in a way that makes me forget the leadership disappointments of the past.

But blind optimism is a luxury that we cannot afford. Giving the benefit of the doubt and offering our taxes and professional support to the state and government is the most rational thing to do. But trust I do not at this point. The litmus test of our internal and external sovereignty will be if Lebanon, despite our new leaders best intentions, remains at the mercy of militia leaders turned politicians—products of the Taef Accord— who have consistently failed to uphold the fundamental principles of sovereignty, independence, and national unity.

Shall we continue to bear with leaders who after five years of the port explosion, the de-facto bankruptcy of the state and the banking sector still deny the people the right to live in dignity?

The 14th presidency is time to call out and hold criminally accountable all corrupt and self-serving officials who have plundered lives and wealth during and after the civil war. One thing must be clear: the people will not forget who is responsible for the desperate state we find ourselves in today.

With the winds of change reshaping the region, Lebanon today finds itself in a moment of calm and hope. We are in the eye of the storm. As the buzz of the MK drones continues to torture us with their humming, lets not forget our vulnerability and sovereign weakness. Yet this time, the distress caused by the invasive drones compels us to face our demons and collectively demand true independence, reclaiming the sovereignty that we have for so long denied ourselves.

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Yasser Akkaoui

Yasser Akkaoui is Executive's editor-in-chief.

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