Executive has short-listed eight potential contenders most likely to be considered for Lebanon’s highest office. As there is no formal process by which candidates are nominated, predicting who will throw…
Domhnall O'Sullivan

Domhnall O'Sullivan
Domhnall O’Sullivan holds an MA in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studiesfrom the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, where he studied in 2012-2013 with a scholarship from the Irish Department of Education. Before this, he graduated with a BA in European Studies (2010) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He has worked as an English teacher in France, with Project Syndicate in Prague, Czech Republic, and gained experience with the European Parliament’s Office in Ireland. He is currently working as a Junior Analyst with the European Union Institute of Security Studies in Brussels
It is almost three years since Ziyad Baroud stepped down from his post as Lebanon’s minister of interior, yet he remains firmly in the public eye. The broad appeal which…
Decentralization is a hot topic right now. In Ukraine, it has been proposed as a means of giving greater autonomy to the Russian-speaking regions in the East of the country…
If acknowledging a problem is the first step to solving it, then the very existence of the International Support Group (ISG) for Lebanon is to be welcomed. Formed on the…
The window is open. As evident from the increased political posturing and daily media coverage, the race to replace President Michel Sleiman has begun. In just under two months, Lebanon…
Angelina Eichhorst, the European Union’s Ambassador to Lebanon, is well aware of the challenges of mustering international support for the country and changing dynamics in the region. She took the…