In spite of undeniable realities of human capital erosion and structural weakening as well as moral and financial bankruptcy of the increasingly unequal education sector, the narrow but extremely important…
Thomas Schellen

Thomas Schellen
Thomas Schellen is Executive's editor-at-large. He has been reporting on Middle Eastern business and economy for over 20 years. Send mail
The beginning of the year can symbolize many things. In general, this date signifies a social ritual of togetherness and hope for improvement. It may indicate belief in the fortuitous…
It is self-explanatory that the war on Lebanon has affected extant education systems badly. For different providers in the country’s fragmented educational landscape – one that has long been flagged…
Transport leaders aspire to transform vital sector The formal economic sector of transportation and logistics in Lebanon presents itself to the observer with two vividly contrasting faces. One face of…
To say that energy was a problematic sector from beginning of the Lebanese post-conflict reconstruction in 1992 to the end of the financial inflows-fueled, corrupt cronyism system in the country,…
Executive will be embarking on a collaborative project with LPSN to demonstrate how different sectors of the Lebanese economy are experiencing, managing, and strategizing under conditions of current war vis-a-vis…
When explosions were triggered in pockets of alleged Hezbollah operatives on September 17 and 18 and when Israeli airplanes started bombing Lebanese targets while their Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was…
In light of Israel’s decision to ban UNRWA when Palestinians are most in need of the organization’s support and are subjected to increasingly catastrophic violations, we invite you to revisit…
Villages in turmoil, devastating damages to urban neighborhoods, and people forced into mass displacement: images you see as you peek over the obliterated half of Lebanon. Yet one month into…
An exploration of mortgage finance opportunities at a time of daily bombings and property destruction seems to be an anything but natural thing to do. Investing into a new home…