Whether yours is a generously sized garden or a petite patio, tending to our outdoor spaces can provide us with some much-needed calm and tranquillity while balancing our busy schedules.

As any keen gardener knows, a verdant space that’s full of life starts from the ground up: good soil is the key to nurture your seedlings into a lush display of flowers and healthy leaves. Good soil contains a wealth of life, in fact, one gram (approximately a quarter of a tablespoon) of soil can contain up to 10 billion organisms.

In a truly beautiful cycle, decomposing matter from past plant life is what fuels the next season of growth. In a bid to be more sustainable, green-fingered folk swear by composting their organic kitchen and garden waste that helps them supercharge their gardens.

Composting is a conscious choice for a multitude of reasons. It’s beneficial for plants, but also for the wider environment. It helps reduce communal waste and in turn, contributes to reducing methane and carbon dioxide emissions from waste treatment. Additionally, soil that has been treated with compost needs less irrigation and no synthetic fertilizer.

Composting is also a far better option than burning leaves and garden waste. When we burn garden waste, we not only sacrifice the nutrient value but also create smoke. The smell is unpleasant for us and for our neighbours besides that burning any organic material produces many harmful and potentially harmful chemicals, whether it’s in the garden or elsewhere.

The best choice is always never to start or to quit cigarettes and nicotine altogether, but the reality is that many don’t. For those who would otherwise continue to smoke, smoke-free alternatives that don’t burn tobacco can significantly reduce harm by eliminating the burning process. These products are not risk-free and deliver nicotine, which is addictive, but they are a better choice than continued smoking.

Gardening is many things to many people. For some it’s about finding a sense of calm

in nature, for others it’s a chance to admire something they’ve grown on their own.

For any gardener who smokes, however, there are always better alternatives to burning.

You may not be aware, but this also applies to the burning of tobacco in cigarettes.

When a cigarette is lit, over 6000 chemicals are released, many of them considered by experts to be harmful. Inhaling these high levels of harmful chemicals with cigarette smoke is the primary cause of smoking-related diseases.

Avoiding burning is a better choice

  • Burning garden waste is a missed opportunity to make use of the nutrients in compost, and creates harmful smoke.
  • Composting is a good alternative to utilise organic garden and kitchen waste.
  • Compost provides nutrients for plants in the coming seasons.
  • Compost helps reduce communal waste that ends up in landfills.

Burning organic materials produces smoke

  • A burning cigarette releases 1000s of chemicals, many are harmful.
  • Never starting or quitting tobacco and nicotine products entirely is the best choice.
  • The best choice for adult smokers is to quit entirely.
  • For those who don’t quit, smoke-free alternatives that do not burn tobacco, whilst not risk free and addictive, represent a much better choice than continuing to smoke cigarettes.

For more information about smoke-free alternatives, please visit our website.

Brought to you by Philip Morris Management Services – Lebanon.

Philip Morris Management Services


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