Transport leaders aspire to transform vital sector The formal economic sector of transportation and logistics in Lebanon presents itself to the observer with two vividly contrasting faces. One face of…
Lebanon is a wealthy country. In principle. It has all sorts of assets – land, water, industry, skilled workers and competitive professionals, a deep education system, touristic and cultural treasures, seasonal…
Transportation within Lebanon, especially within the greater Beirut area, has become synonymous with congestion and chaos. The system is built, almost entirely, around the personal car with a road network…
Protesters burning tires on the airport road and the tit-for-tat kidnappings gripping the nation’s attention may justly be blamed for diverting planes and visitors away from Lebanon. However, protectionism and…
The Minister of Public Works and Transportation Ghazi Aridi is in charge of everything from the road networks to the aviation sector. What is more, he is one of three…
Inching along amid a cacophony of horns in one of Lebanon’s estimated 1.6 million vehicles leaves a driver with ample time for reflection. As the clock on the dash ticks…
DUBAI: “First Salik violator spotted,” read a prominent headline on one Gulf daily last month. It led into a description of how a renegade Nissan Altima driver had been caught…